Stříbrný wolframu elektrické kontakty
Sølv Wolfram elektriske kontakter
Zilveren wolfraam elektrische contacten
Silver tungsten electrical contacts
Contacts électriques de tungstène d
Silber Wolfram elektrische Kontakte
Contatti elettrici tungsteno d
Sølv Wolfram elektriske kontakter
Contatos elétricos de tungstênio prata
Wolfram argint contacte electrice
Серебряная вольфрама электрические контакты
Contactos eléctricos de tungsteno plata
Silver volfram elektriska kontakter
Gümüş tungsten elektrik kişiler
Silver tungsten

Silver tungsten electrical contacts

Silver tungsten electrical contacts Silver tungsten electrical contacts Silver tungsten electrical contacts

Silver tungsten alloys contain between 25-50% silver and are mainly used for electrical contacts generally heavy-duty devices subject to high current. Silver tungsten combines the high thermal and electrical conductivity of silver with the arc resistance of tungsten.

High conductivity, thermal conductivity and high melting point of silver and high hardness, welding resistance, small material transfer, and high burning resistance of tungsten are conbined into silver tungsten sintering material.Silver tungsten electrical contact will generate mixed oxides, if it is frequently off in the air, under operating current, so that form the the surface film that can increase the contact resistance.

Silver tungsten data sheet




Density (Min)

Electric Conductivity (Min)

Hardness (Min)

AgW55 45±2 Balance 13.55g/cm3 58%IACS 115HB
AgW60 40±2 Balance 14.00g/cm3 56%IACS 125HB
AgW65 35±2 Balance 14.50g/cm3 53%IACS 135HB
AgW70 30±2 Balance 14.90g/cm3 51%IACS 150HB
AgW75 25±2 Balance 15.40g/cm3 48%IACS 165HB
AgW80 20±2 Balance 16.10g/cm3 45%IACS 180HB

Related Links

Copper Tungsten Electrical Contact
Property Data Sheet of Silver Tungsten Material (PDF)

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