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Tungsten electrodes

Compound tungsten electrode

Compound tungsten electrode Compound tungsten electrode Compound tungsten electrode

Model Number: WX
Diameters: 1.0mm-10.0mm
Length: 150mm, 175mm
Property: It has good welding performance and it is better than WT20

Compound Tungsten electrode is the Tungsten material with two or mote rare earth oxide. Each additive works to the benefit of others and serves as a complement at the same time.
Depending on the strong capability in R&D, after thousands experiments, we finally found the  best-quality composition. When this product is published, it got the approval from the authorities and the experts. Now this product has been exported to European and American, and become the noble in the Tungsten electrodes family.


Related Links

Material Safety Data Sheet of Tungsten Electrodes
Material Safety Data Sheet of Tungsten Electrodes (PDF)
Catalog of Tungsten Electrodes Products (PDF)

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